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Tournament Entry Fee:
Early Entry (March 1 – April 30, 2023) – $250
Delayed Entry (June 1 – July 31, 2023) – $350
Final Entry (August 1, 2023) – $400
Day of Entry (August 3, 2023 – Captains Meeting) $450

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Mason’s Voice Presents
North Florida King of the Beach

Entry Fees:

Lady Anglers ($100/per entry)

You will need to increase the quantity in your cart if you have more than one lady angler.

List all Lady Angler names

Junior Anglers ($25/per entry)

You will need to increase the quantity in your cart if you have more than one junior angler.

List all Junior Angler names

Tournament Within Tournament (Optional)

2 Fish Agg ($100)

2 Fish Agg ($250)

High Roller Big Fish ($500)

Big Fish ($100)

Big Fish ($250)